SMEs - Know how your organization's compliance looks like in Real Time. CAdashboard allows you to take control of organization's compliance.
SME and CA/CS - Easily connect with each other for effective and secured collaboration
Chartered Accountants/Company Secretaries - Set Your practice in auto pilot mode with CAdashboard
With CAdashboard, you can easily invoice clients on click. Automatic reminders emails to client help to get paid faster. Never miss any revenue - log billable hours and expenses on the go so that you can bill them to customers.
CAdashboard helps you to get organized take control of work in your organization. You’ll be able to track tasks, understand progress of work, log expenses and invoicing to your clients.
CAdashboard helps to automate work and take control of work in your organization. With increased efficiency, you can increase customers, top line as well as bottom line.
On July 12, 2021
By CA. K. Raghu. The author is past President, ICAI and former Board Member, International Federation of Accountants.
On May 24, 2021
At last count, close to two dozen laws simultaneously hover over any corporate entity in India at all times.
Ranging from the Companies Act to GST, Income Tax, Customs, Shop Act, and so on, their numbers don’t seem to be reducing any time soon.
On April 30, 2021
Looking around us we realize how much ahead we have come when compared to times not so long in the past. Till about a 100 years back, life in most parts of India was not very different from those a 1000 years back!
In the last century, things have sped at the speed of light! Old social and political orders built upon hierarchies have crumbled and disappeared and in its place we have a flat order.
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