Use CAdashboard to easily define manage compliance for your firm and your clients.
Easily connect with your clients for effective and secured collaboration - bring transparency with your clients
Use CAdashboard to manage work within your firm. After the Tasks are set Cadashboard will handle reminders for you
Avoid the tiresome work of sifting through emails and files for critical documents. CAdahsboard’s simplified Document Features will manage it for you!
Finding it difficult to know top paying and profit making clients? Want to have control on cash flow status of your firm? CAdashboard helps you take financial control
With Cadashboard, you can manage Roles and access very easily, thereby providing only relevant access to users
With many employees & interns to handle, will it not be good to get key reports as and when required? CAdashboard has multiple reports at your disposal.
Cadashboard provides you complete flexibility to define your own alert messages at firm level.
Go mobile with Cadashboard mobile App to access it on your iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone.