Release Details

Select Month & Year
1) Disable Task Name: Administrators can now disable the option to manually enter task names from Master -> Settings -> Task, encouraging users to create tasks exclusively by selecting a task template. This ensures that all tasks have consistent and uniform naming.
2) Disable Service Name: Administrators can now disable the option to manually select service names from Master -> Settings -> Task, encouraging users to create tasks exclusively by selecting a task template. This ensures that all tasks have consistent and uniform service names.
3) Notification for Duplicate Task: When saving a task, the user will now receive a notification if a task with the same name has already been created for the same client and service.
4) Add Leave for Employee: Admin or HR can now add leaves for employees via Manage → Apply Leave. Users can grant or restrict access to this feature through Master → Role.
1) Ageing Analysis report added in Financial -> Account Receivable Module.
2) Now you can add expected payment date for every invoice in Financial -> Account Receivable.
3) Now you can download actual efforts in PDF & Excel. Option is now available in every task.
1) Date search criteria added in Report -> Employee -> Leave Details Report
2) Client wise service details added in Report -> Client -> Service Report.
3) Comp off adjusted date column added in Report -> Employee -> Leave Details Report
4) In Non Invoiced Task Details report "Create Proforma Invoice" link added.
5) "Invoice raised by" setting added in Master -> Setting:- Now you can enable/disable "Invoice Raised By" field in Invoice mail.
6) Amount column added in Dashboard -> Task (Graphical report)
1) Month wise Invoice Number :- Now users can create month wise new invoice number.
2) Change task status in Bulk :- Now users can change status of multiple tasks at a time.
3) Attendance Report :- Report -> Employee -> Attendance Details.
4) Attendance Report :- Role wise filter in Report -> Employee -> Attendance Details.
5) New Invoice PDF Format.
1) Compiled Planned Efforts and Compiled Actual Efforts of subtasks added in main Task list.
2) Now you can add branch wise stamp and signature in Invoice PDF. You can add stamp and signature from Master -> Branch.
1) "Mandate No" field added in Task.
2) You can make "Mandate No" field compulsory from Master -> Setting.
1) Whatsapp (Beta Version) :- Now you can send whatsapp messages to your clients from Manage -> Broadcast or Master -> Client or Financial -> Invoice.
2) New "Employee Wise Salary (Beta Version)" report added in Report -> Employee -> "Employee Wise Salary".
3) New "Trash" menu added in Manage -> Trash. From where you can check all deleted records by any user.
4) "No Branch Selected" opion was added in the Branch Search dropdown in the task.
1) Link Google Calendar with book appointment :- Now you can link appointments booked for clients with google calendar from Manage -> Book Client Appointment.
2) All client appointment checkbox on Home Page :- Now you can view all client appointments on Home page.
3) While creating receipt from Invoice, branch selected in Invoice will be default selected in Receipt.
4) "Save and send mail" to client option in in bulk add efforts in Task.
5) Bank Details and Invoice PDF (as attachment) in Invoice reminder mail.
6) Offer Corner page.
7) Name of DSC Holder, DIN, E-mail Id, Mobile Number, Category of DSC (Whether the DSC is made In-House or by Client itself) fields added in Manage DSC page.
8) Handed Over To and Handed Over Date fields added in inward download excel.
1) GST filling status check functionality.
2) Link Invoice to existing Task functionality added in Financial -> Invoice.
3) Now you can add Description while scheduling work through Task menu.
4) In client login "Firm Name" to which client is associated with.
5) Client group bulk insert / update option in Master -> Client Group.
6) In Search Criteria, DSC Available with office or at client place option added in Manage -> DSC.
7) Now when you open Task Page Default all pending tasks will be visible. (Irrespective of Closed and Completed)
8) Outward date in inward download excel.
9) Now If you enable login to client then they will get 2 free logins.
10) Indonesia Country, State and City added.
1) More than one phone number field added in Master -> Client -> -> Edit -> Owner details.
2) United Kingdom (UK) Country, State, City added.
3) Types of address field added in Master -> Client -> -> Edit -> Address details.
4) Proforma Invoice Report added in Report -> Business -> Proforma Invoice.
1) Redirection to Specific website from "Manage -> Vault" with "User Id" and "Password".
2) Client name in subject of Invoice Payment reminder mail.
3) Back dated month name and start date textbox while publishing compliance from Manage -> Compliance.
4) Verification message added while publishing compliance from Manage -> Compliance.
5) Estimated efforts column in Report -> Employee -> "Employee Work Effort - Date wise" report.
6) If efforts not added for previous day then popup message will be displayed after first login of the day.
1) New Attribute Page added in Master Menu.
2) SMS Templates in Broadcast and Task.
3) Task Name in Subject of Task Mail.
4) Branch wise Prefix in Master -> Setting -> Invoice.
5) In Master -> Allocate leave, "Role" filter dropdown.
6) Publishing Dates in Manage -> Compliance while creating new compliance.
1) Report -> Task -> Task Status Details Report on Time Basis.
2) Branch wise logo in Invoice, Quotation and Proforma Invoice.
3) Branch Wise Logo in Master -> Branch.
4) Quotation service wise details in download excel.
5) "Priority" and "Reviewer" dropdown fields added while publishing compliance from Manage -> Compliance -> Add Compliance.
6) "From Date" and "To Date" information fields added while applying leave from Manage -> Apply Leave.
1) Work Schedule :- Now user can schedule their work through "Schedule Work" functionality in Task. It will be visible on Home page as "Today's Scheduled Work" and "Next 7 Days Scheduled Work"
2) "Billable But Not Invoiced" filter in Task.
3) Restrict BackDated Effort Entries:- Now Admin can restrict backdated effort addition for user from Master -> Setting - > Task.
4) In financial -> Invoice. "Task Number" wise filter added.
5) In financial -> Invoice. "Client Group" wise filter added.
6) Task Number and Sub Task Number in Report -> Business -> Invoice Details report.
1) Login with OTP functionality available now.
2) "Unassigned Tasks" filter in Task.
3) Vault redirection on click of URL.
4) Outward number in Inward download excel.
5) Billable Amount will be visible on task list.
6) If task status is "Invoiced" then you can't change the "Reviewer".
7) "Billable Amount" column in "Task Status Details" report.
8) "By Phone" option added in "Delivery Mode" field in Inward and Outward document.
9) While disable or delete employee login, now incomplete task count assigned to that employee will be visible.
10) Financial year field compulsory while bulk insert or update task.
1) Responsible person field in DSC and bulk insert/update.
2) Search on the basis of Responsible person, In DSC List and in Excel PDF download.
3) Financial -> Invoice amount summary on client basis.
4) Task end date extended information on Task page in every task.
5) Status, Notes functionality in Manage -> Book Client Appointment page.
6) Manager dropdown in Manage -> leave -> Add.
1) "Call Register" New Page in Manage menu.
2) "Book Client Appointment" New Page in Manage menu.
3) On Home page details of Client Appointment and Daily Diary.
4) In Master -> Role, details of Client Appointment and Call Register to give or restrict access to specific roles.
5) Daily Diary report in Report -> Business -> Daily Diary.
6) In Master -> Role, details of Daily Diary Report to give or restrict access to specific roles.
7) Bank account linked with Branch Name. Now if user creates specific branch wise invoice then bank account linkned with that branch will come automatically in that invoice.
8) In unproductive hours report, details of employee who has not added any records for the day.
9) Employee dropdown in leave count in Manage -> Leave for admin.
10) Status and Client Group in excel and pdf download through DSC.
1) DSC Bulk Insert/Update functionlity has been added.
2) Vault Bulk Insert/Update functionlity has been added.
3) "Add Actual Efforts" functionality has been added in task. Through which you can add actual efforts for multiple tasks at a time.
4) Pending From Client Count at the top of Task and Home Page.
5) Manager Column in Report -> Employee -> Employee List report.
6) Delay column (Task End Date - Task Actual End Date) in Report -> Task -> Task Productivity report.
7) Reviewer Field added in Task Add/Update.
8) Reviewer Name in task mail goes to employee after task creation.
9) Reviewer Name in Task List and in Download Excel and PDF.
10) Reviewer field for Search criteria of Task Page.
11) Acknowledgement Number field in Task.
12) Acknowledgement Number in Task List and in Download Excel and PDF.
13) Need Approval Count at the top of Task and Home Page.
14) Employee/Client Birthday Information section on Home Page.
15) Employee Master Dropdown on Home Page.
16) Checkbox for the Same date for sub tasks as Main Task while "Add Task".
1) Refer And Earn new Page.
2) Employee Utilization functionality in Task Page.
3) In Task Details report, search on the basis of timeline status (eg. OverDue, Due Today etc.)
4) Sub task checkbox in calendar for due dates on Home Page.
5) Sub task checkbox in calendar for due dates on Task Page
6) Delay column (Task End Date - Task Actual End Date) in Task details report.
1) Digital Signature reminder page. Manage -> DSC
2) Service Name added in task details mail shared to cilent.
3) Now Compliance reminder mails will go to client from your configured emails id.
4) On "Share To Client" option selected while add or edit task then mail will go to client.
5) "Assign To" with employee mobile number field added in Compliance reminder mail goes to client.
6) PAN number in Download Excel and PDF of Client.
1) Now you can Publish Compliance with Task templates from Manage -> Compliance.
2) “copyright cadashboard” has been removed from the outgoing mails send through broadcast.
3) Now Client group name will be downloaded along with other details in task download excel sheet.
4) "Login Enabled" or "Login Not Enabled" filter added in search criteria in Report -> Client -> Client login details report.
5) Search efforts on the basis of "Effort Date" or "Added date" filter added in search criteria in Report -> Employee -> Employee work effort - Date wise.
6) In Inward, in "Link To Existing Task".. Task Number added along with task name in the task list.
7) Billable / Non Billable filter in Report -> Employee Work Effort - Date Wise report.
8) Task "Billing Amount" column added in Report -> Task wise employee wise cost report.
9) Active, Inactive Or Deactivated Column added in Report -> Employee list report.
10) Efforts Approved or rejected column added in Report -> Employee Work Effort - Date Wise report.
11) Organisation Name added in Subject of Compliance reminder Email send to client.
12) "Last Year Pending" amount added in Invoice.
1) Disable Client functionality in Master -> Client.
2) In all application, In client list (Disable) infront of Disabled Clients.
3) Disable Client count and on click of Disable count, Disable Client list in Master -> Client.
4) "Disable Client" option in Master -> Role to allow restrict access of employees.
5) Now "Bulk Delete" Task and Client button visible to only 1st registered user.
6) "Delete SubTask" while Adding New Task option in Master -> Role to allow restrict access of employees.
7) Client Name and Added By and Added Date in Manage -> Compliance List.
8) In Daily Diary, Now completed and closed will be visible in Green Colour. Also status added in the work list.
9) "Owner Details" in "View Client -> View Details" available in Mobile App. (Please download and install the latest update)
10) In Master -> Client group, Now download list in Excel and PDF option available.
11) In Master -> Client group, number of clients mapped to client group will be visible.
12) Check box to assign sub tasks to main task employees while adding new task.
1) "Compliance" functionality available in Mobile App. (Please download and install the latest update)
2) Sub Tasks will be visible in Task status details report.
3) Employee Wise Task Status Details Report : Now all records will be visible even if employees hasen't added efforts.
4) Task Status Details Report will show records for 1 month on load. You can change the period from "Advance Search" option.
1) "Add/Edit Client", "View Client", "Add Document", "View Document" available in Mobile App. (Please download and install the latest update)
2) "Show Client birthdays" option added in Master -> Role. Now you can show birthdays of your clients to your employees by giving access from Master -> Role menu.
3) "Allow to Change Status Invoiced" option added in Master -> Role. Now you can restrict your employees to change the status of task from "Invoiced" to any other by restricting access from Master -> Role menu.
4) Actual Efforts in every task will not available in Descending order.
5) Search filter in Invoice on the basis of Task, Expense or Service.
6) Contact person information in Client Set password email.
7) Client Multiple delete option in Master -> Client.
8) Client Multiple delete option in Master -> Role to allow restrict access of employees.
9) Service Multiple delete option in Master -> Service.
10) Service Multiple delete option in Master -> Role to allow restrict access of employees.
11) Branch Name added in Financial -> Expense list and also Branch wise filter added.
1) "Invoiced" in timeline status at the top of task and home page.
2) Invoice number in Proforma Invoice download excel and Proforma Invoice in Invoice download excel.
3) Task and Sub Task number in Invoice.
4) Department wise search in invoice & Proforma Invoice.
5) Now Org Admin can Change the status of sub task even if it is not assigned to him.
6) Invoice number in receipt download excel.
7) Quotation Approve & Reject functionality added in Role.
8) "View Invoice Financials" option added in Master -> Role.
9) Country column added in My Org -> Address Details List, Client -> Address Details List, Client -> Client List.
10) "Internal" option in client dropdown in Add/edit task access added in Master -> role.
11) "Invoiced" option in status dropdown in Add/edit task access added in Master -> role.
1) Size of email from "Bulk Insert/Update" client has been increased to 100 characters.
2) Now You can search clients on the basis of Client Name, Firm Type, PAN, Email, Alternate Email, Group Name, Mobile, File Number from Master -> Client.
3) New status "Invoiced" added in task status list.
4) Now you can search Task Productivity report on the basis of "Actual End date" as well.
5) Select Manager to employees option in Master -> Employee.
6) Organisation Name added in Inward and Outward document mail sent to clients.
7) UDIN in Task Download excel and PDF in Task Menu.
8) Physical location field added in Inward Document.
9) UDIN Number field added in Task Update.
10) Daily auto effort mail to org admin.
11) Now Email sent by Article/Employees through broadcast are visible to ORG admin login.
12) "Create sub task" functionality access added in Master -> Role. Now you can give or restrict access of "Create Sub Task" functionality to your employees.
13) "Task Handover" functionality access added in Master -> Role. Now you can give or restrict access of "Task Handover" functionality to your employees.
14) Your attributes like "PAN Number", "GST Number" etc. now you can share via email or sms with your clients from "My Organisation" menu.
1) Daily auto actual effort added by employees mail to org admin:- Now Org Admin will receive daily auto mails what efforts employee has added for the previous day.
2) Physical location field in Manage -> Inward Document.
3) Mobile number in Mastr -> Client basic details tab.
4) UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number) added in Task.
5) Share Attributes via email/SMS in My Organisation -> Attribute.
6) Email sent by Article through broadcast can be seen by org admin in Manage -> Broadcast -> Sent.
7) "Handover Task" and "Create Sub Task" option in Master -> Role through which you can allow or restrict access for your users.
8) "Working From Home", "Comp-Off", "Holiday Working In-Lieu" added in leave type.
9) Client GST Number in Invoice Download Excel and PDF.
10) In Broadcast "sent by" option in Broadcast list
11) Is Billable and Invoice number fields in Task status details report.
12) Round Off in Quotation.
13) News Corner Section in CADASHBOARD.
1) Task Handover ( Transfer of the task ) option in Task.
2) New Paytm payment gateway for easier payment transactions.
3) Invoice serial number FY wise or not option in setting.
4) Financial Amount section added on Invoice Page.
5) "Preview quotation Option" added on click of quotation heading.
6) Firm GST Number field added while new registration.
7) In Invoice -> Setting, Prefix text before invoice number.
8) In invoice, Invoice number prefix while add invoice.
1) Compliance Calendar link added at the top :- For reference of due dates.
2) Department - Multi Selection Option in Master -> Employee.
3) Group Filter added in Manage -> Compliance -> Bulk add compliance for group wise filteration of clients while publishing compliance.
4) Invoice Serial number financial year wise :- For New financial year invoice number will start from 1.
5) Proforma Invoice Number Serial Financial year wise :- For New financial year proforma invoice number will start from 1.
6) Quotation Serial Number Financial year wise :- For New financial year quotation number will start from 1.
7) In estimated efforts new field "Effort Date", "Added By" and "Added Date".
8) Report Employee Estimated Efforts (New Report in Report -> Employee -> Employee Estimated Efforts)
9) All Timeline status count added on Home and Task page.
10) All Timeline status count added on Home and Task page.
Proforma Invoice (Paid Functionality) (To Get This Functionality Contact Our Sales Team)
-- Insert / Update / Edit / delete
-- Search According to all criteria
-- Download All PDF / Download in Excel Or PDF / Download Proforma Invoice
-- Send Proforma Invoice To client through mail
-- Send Proforma Invoice Reminder mail and SMS
-- If created from Task and Quotation then Task Number Or Quotation Number in Proforma Invoice
-- Link to create Invoice From Proforma Invoice
-- Invoice Number in Proforma Invoice if Invoice created from Proforma Invoice

Proforma Invoice in Quotation
-- Link to create Proforma Invoice From Quotation
-- Proforma Invoice Number in Quotation list if created from Quotation

Proforma Invoice in Invoice
-- Proforma Invoice Number in Invoice list if created from Proforma Invoice

Proforma Invoice in Task
-- Link to create proforma invoice From Task
-- Proforma Invoice Number in Task list if created from Task

Proforma Invoice in Settings
-- Proforma Invoice or Other (Add / Update)
-- GST No, Service tax No, PAN No access (Add / Update)
-- Notes For Mail to send Proforma Invoice (Add / Update / Delete)
-- Notes For Add New Invoice (Add / Update / Delete)

Proforma Invoice in Master Role
-- Actions according to role access given for proforma invoice
-- Actions for Task -> Add proforma invoice
-- Actions for Quotation -> Create proforma invoice

Proforma receipt
-- Insert / Update / Edit / delete For Advance receipt and from specific invoice
-- Search According to all criteria
-- Download in Excel Or PDF / Download Proforma Receipt
-- Send Proforma Receipt To client through mail

Proforma Receipt in Master Role
-- Actions for proforma invoice
-- Actions for Task -> Add proforma invoice
-- Actions for Quotation -> Create proforma invoice
1) Is TDS field added in receipt list and in download PDF & Excel in receipt menu
2) "Client Type" field added in Master -> Client -> Insert, Update and in Search Criteria.
3) "Client Type" field added in Master -> Client download Excel and PDF and in Client List View.
4) "Client Type" field added in Report -> Client List download Excel,PDF,Report view and in Search Criteria.
5) "Client Type" field added in Task -> Add New -> Add New Client.
6) "Client Type" field added in Bulk Insert / Update Client.
7) In compliance report employee name column added to whom tasks are assigned.
1) Inward Document Description along with Inward No in Outward Document.
2) Bulk Approve or Reject Quotation option added in Financial -> Quotation.
3) View self task option added in Task page.
4) Payment date column added in receipt downloading Excel/PDF.
5) Sub-Sub task assigned to employee automatically to whom sub task is assigned if employee name not selected while creating new task.
6) Branch field added in receipt while adding new receipt.
7) Branch search criteria added in receipt page and branch field added in excel and PDF download.
8) Branch Name and Comments added in Receipt list records.
1) Now users can add sub-sub task through task template.
2) Document will get deleted from "Document" menu when user deletes any document attached to specific task.
3) Mail functionality in Receipt :- Now users can send receipt through mail to client.
4) Task "Share To Client" option added in Bulk Insert/Update.
5) "Billable" and "Non-Billable" option added in Manage -> Compliance.
6) Financial year column added while downloading Tasks in Excel or PDF through Task menu.
7) New search criteria added (On receipt payment date or receipt created date) in Financial -> Receipt menu.
8) "Partnership Firm-Tax Audit" firm type added in Master -> Client.
1) "Remove Logo" button added in My Organisation Page.
2) "Do no reply to this mail" sentenance added in effort email to client.
3) Financial Year added in quotation & Invoice list.
4) Invoice Note size increased. Now users can add unlimited characters in Invoice Notes.
5) Financial Year added in quotation & Invoice download excel and PDF.
6) Now users can download unlimited tasks in excel from Task menu. Previously limit was 1000.
7) In Report -> Task -> Task wise Notes, timeline (Overdue, Due Today.. etc) filter criteria added.
1) Branch field added in Manage -> Bulk Compliance.
2) Bank account type field added in Add / Edit invoice and in Invoice PDF.
3) Invoice Notes in Master -> Settings -> Invoice. Which will be automatically come in Add Invoice.
4) New field Branch added in Master -> Client (Single Add / Bulk Add / Bulk Update).
5) Branch added in Client list and in search criteria in Master -> Client.
6) Branch wise client report on the basis of branch in client.
7) While downloading Excel report from Financial -> Receipt, comments column added in excel.
8) While adding expense in Task digits of amount increased.
9) Now users will get chat browser popup notifications.
1) Task other details as default and compulsory :- If you want task other details as default while adding new task then please select the check box option from Master -> Settings -> Task.
2) If user adds client birthday then it will be visible on home page along with employee birthday details.
3) While publishing compliance task if user wants only month name in task name then they can select the default option from Master -> Setting -> Compliance Setting.
4) Quotation status added in PDF and Excel while downloading quotation from Financial -> Quotation.
5) Quotation status filter added in quotation search criteria.
6) Now you can add whatever you want to say to Quotation. e.g. "Quotation", "Proposal".. etc that will be downloaded in PDF while downloading Quotation from Financial -> Quotation. Option is available in Master -> Settings -> Quotation Details.
7) Invoice Date added in Excel while downloading tasks in Excel from Task menu.
8) Mobile Number of clients added at the outer view of Client's master.
9) Search criteria added under Master > Employee > Add New > Client Assignment.
1) Assignor option added in Bulk Insert Task and Bulk Update Task.
2) Compliance/Non Compliance filter added in Task-wise Notes Report.
3) Task assignor column in Task-wise Notes Report.
4) Task search on the basis of Task Name :- Now users can search tasks on the basis of Task Name.
5) Attachment in task. Notification in task list :- Now If task has attachment then task attachment symbol will appear in green colour.
6) Status column added in Compliance Report.
7) "Client Group" filter added in Task page.
8) If Note is added to task while creating new task then it will come in mail along with other details.
9) Size of "Name" field in Task Template increased.
10) Sub-Task status will be visible to users though sub-task is not assigned to them but they cannot changed it. Status can be changed only by user to whom sub-task is assigned.
11) New status "Pending From Department" added in Task.
12) Service Name column added in Excel and PDF from Task Page.
13) Client Name column added in "Task Updates" link on home page.
1) Assignor option in edit :- Now users (Org Admin) can change assignor of task while editing the task.
2) Note will be added in Task Log if assignor is changed while editing the task.
3) Department and Assignor fields added in Manage Compliance. Now users can select department and assignor while publishing compliance.
4) Amount column added in Task-wise Notes report.
5) Task to whom notes are not added will also be visible in task notes report.
6) Multiselect search option added in Task-wise Notes report.
1) Task Expense relation :- Expenses added in task will directly visible in Financial -> expense and in Expense report.
2) Description , Client Name fields added in effort mail send to client from Task effort.
3) Mail as CC will go to email which is added in Alternate Email while adding client.
4) Multiple employee selection added in "Assigned By" & "Assigned To" in Task search criteria.
5) "View self tasks" option added on Home page.
6) In Inward and Outward document "By Email" category added.
1) In Manage -> compliance, create tasks for remaining period of selected financial year.
2) In Report -> Client list, PAN number column added.
3) Branch Column and search filter added in Report -> Business -> Non Invoiced Task Details.
1) If invoice is creating from Task then branch will be selected automatically as per task.
2) Search functionality added in Manage -> Compliance -> Bulk Add Compliance -> Compliance List
1) Task list UI Changed.
2) New Status, "Pending From Client" added in Task.
3) Sorting in F.Y. and in Master F.Y. dropdown (Latest At the top)
4) Total Estimated efforts & Total Actual efforts in Task list.
5) Estimated efforts & Actual efforts difference in Task productivity report.
1) Task list UI Changed.
2) Billable amount and Invoice number information will be downloaded along with other information when Excel or PDF downloaded from Task.
3) Task number will be visible on Invoice List if Invoice is created Task wise.
4) Login & logout Fields added in Overtime report.
5) Client Filter added in Employee work effort & Employee work effort - date wise reports.
6) F.Y. field added in Employee work effort & Employee work effort - date wise reports.
1) Task details report default search criteria reduced to one month.
2) In Report -> Business -> Tax report, GST no column added.
3) Free trial mail to customers berfore their subscription end.
1) Service Code to be hidden form the Quotation Template and Landline to be displayed for the Organization :- If user don't want service code in quotation then they can hide it from Master -> Settings -> Quotation Details.
2) Service description will come automatically in quotation after selecting service name from "Add Item".
3) Quotation sortting :- bydefault latest at the top.
4) Branch name will appear at the top in invoice PDF if Invoice created Branch wise.
5) Master -> Client -> Service report, modified
6) "Save & Send Mail" option will appear while update record as well.
7) All client email id's will appear in Manage -> Broadcast menu.
1) Organisation GST and Client GST number functionality added in Invoice.
2) In Master -> Settings (Service Tax, PAN, Org GST) permissions added for Invoice. Whatever you will select will be downloaded in Invoice PDF.
3) HSN/SAC code (Service code) added in Master -> Service :- Now you can add HSN/SAC code for service.
4) ) HSN/SAC code (Service code) in Financial -> Quotation and Quotation PDF.
5) HSN/SAC code (Service code) in Financial -> Invoice and Invoice PDF.
6) GST Compliances added in Master -> Compliance. User can publish them for specific clients through Manage -> Compliance.
1) GST slabs added in Invoice & Quotation.
2) Invoice items wise Tax type in Invoice PDF.
1) Now users can select employees while publishing compliances through Manage -> Compliance.
2) Now all tasks published through compliance will be "Billable" by default.
1) While adding task start date & Task end date now users can add time as well.
2) While assigning task to employees now only active employee's list will be available.
1) Book Appointent :- Now Clients can add appointment with CA/CS through CADashboard.
1) link added to create invoice in pending invoice task details report.
2) Now while creating compliance from Master or Manage menu for Monthly frequency you can select date from dropdown instead of selecting multiple dates.
1) "Custom" option added in frequency while creating Compliance.
2) "Enable All Client Login" option added in Master -> Client.
3) New Report “Client Login Details” added in Report -> Client -> Client Login Details.
1) Aadhar card number field added in Client Page
2) Priority tasks link added On Home page
3) "Total" of efforts spent field added in task productivity report (KP)
1) Copy all previous year tasks to new financial year.
2) Newsletter of April 2017 added.
1) Carry forward tasks to new F.Y. : Option is available in Master -> Settings -> Copt Tasks.
2) Paid leave option added in Master -> Apply leave.
3) Now you can add whatever you want to say to invoice. e.g. "Invoice", "Bill", "Tax Invoice".. etc that will be downloaded in PDF while downloading Invoice from Financial -> Invoice. Option is available in Master -> Settings -> Invoice Details.
1) Chat section modified.
2) Multiple tasks delete functionality added.
1) Newsletter of March 2017 added.
2) Bug fixing anf performance improvements.
1) If user is on leave for specific date then he can't add efforts for that date.
2) Task Number in document section if specific document is attached to the task.
1) Chat Section Modified.
2) In Master -> Apply Leave, date search criteria added.
3) Search Criteria added in Task Updates Link available on Home page.
4) Master -> Compliance->Excel download, Service column added.
1) Modified things in task in last 24 hours ("Task Updates" link added on Home page)
2) ) Master -> Designation Page (New Page Added to Add Designation)
3) Task expense changes in below reports :- i) Task Details :- Total expense amount added by all employees for specific Task. ii) Task Productivity Report :- Total expense amount added by all employees for specific Task. Based on That productivity of Task.
4) Employee filter added in "Non Invoiced Tasks Details". If specific employee name selected then system will show tasks created by that employee.
1) Quotation linking with Invoice :- Now users can create Invoices from created Quotations.
2) Org Admin can give access to create Invoice from quotation page to employees from Master -> Role.
3) If user creates Invoice from Quotation then that Quotation number will be visible in Invoice list.
4) If user creates Invoice from Quotation then that Invoice number will be visible in Quotation list.
5) New firm types added in "Firm Type" list in Master -> Client.
1) In Inward document search added on the basis of inward No.
2) In Outward document search added on the basis of outward No.
3) Train Pass, Mobile expenses account head added in Expense.
1) Now you can add Task wise expenses in Task.
2) Select All option added in Incomplete Tasks assigned To Me.
3) "Category" attribute added in Master Client.
1) Sub Task will come in sequence as added in task templete.
2) Select All option added in Incomplete Tasks assigned by Me.
3) If task is created from Inward document and attachment is available to that record then that attachment can be viewed in Task.
1) Now you can add GST No of your clients in Master -> Client.
2) Now you can add Notes while creating Task Template that note will auto populate while creating task.
1) New Report :- Employee work effort report - Date Wise
2) Client Group :- new page added in Master. Now users can delete edit client groups.
3) Task No added in Task bulk update excel sheet. (Non editable - Just for reference)
4) Client address and mobile no on client name click in Master -> Client.
1) Client address and Organisation address in Receipt PDF.
2) Client owner name and mobile no in Invoice PDF.
1) Now you can carry forward task assigned by client to your employees.
2) Confirmation message on Task Close Or completed.
3) Service wise client search while doing Bulk Add Compliance in Manage -> compliance.
1) Master Terms and conditions section for Quotation added in Master Settings.
2) Now you can add Terms and conditions while creating Quotatoin.
1) November month newsletter.
2) Menu panel modified.
3) Training FeedBack form modified.
1) Compliance Report.(Reports -> Task -> Compliance Report)
2) Month filter in release details page.
1) Task Template Download in PDF & Excel.
2) Receipt Download in PDF & Excel.
3) Notes added in sub tasks can be viewed now in Task Notes report.
4) Group Name column added in Following reports :- a) Expense Report b) Invoice Report c) Payment Report d) Non Invoiced Task Details Report e) Tax Report f) Yearly Service Charges Report g) Audit Vault Report h) Billing Status Report i) Branch wise Client Report j) Client wise Summary Report k) Client Wise Task Status Report l) Client wise Timesheet Report m) Task Details Report n) Task Notes Report o) Task Status Details Report p) Sub Task Details Report q) Task Productivity Report r) Employee wise Client Efforts Report s) Employee Wise Cost Report t) Employee wise Task Status Report
5) Department Name column added in Following reports :- a) Expense Report b) Client Wise Task Status Report c) Client wise Timesheet Report d) Log Details Report e) Task Details Report f) Task Notes Report g) Task Status Details Report h) Sub Task Details Report i) Employee List Report j) Over Time Details Report k) Team Detail Report l) Unproductive Hour Details Report m) Work Allotment Report n) Client wise Summary Report o) Employee wise Client Efforts Report p) Employee Wise Cost Report q) Login Summary Report r) Login Details Report s) Leave Details Report
1) Leave approved or rejected by field added on Leave page and Leave report.
2) Expense approved or rejected by field added on Expense page and Expense report.
3) Add client and Add service from task added role wise. Now you can decide whether to give access from Master -> Role.
4) Invoice Created By and Branch Name fields added in Invoice report.
1) New Report :- Task Productivity Report (Report -> Task -> Task Productivity Report)
2) Tasks count added on Task Page.
3) In sub task report tasks who don’t have sub tasks are included.
4) Deactivated employees count added on Employee page.
1) Not logged in employee details (New Report) : Employees who have not logged in based on the period.
2) Efforts Will be visible to only employee who has added that efforts. Manager can view their team members efforts and Org Admin can view all employee's efforts.
3) Bulk upload mail will be sent only once if task is assigned to multiple employees.
4) Now users can update Actual start date actual end date from bulk update.
5) F.Y. added in Task list in front of Task Number.
6) Task Number added in all following task related reports :- a) Client wise Timesheet report    b) Work Allotment report    c) Work Effort Log report    d) Task-wise Employee-wise Cost report    e) Employee Work Efforts report    f) Employee wise Task Status report    g) Log Details report    h) Task Notes report
1) Group Name column added in Client List report.
2) Department filter added in following reports :-
a) Expense Report   b) Organisation Chart Report   c) Audit Vault Report   d) Client wise Summary Report   e) Client Wise Task Status Report   f) Client wise Timesheet Report   g) Log Details Report   h) Task Details Report   i) Task Notes Report   j) Task Status Details Report   k) Sub Task Details Report   l) Employee Wise Cost Report   m) Over Time Details Report   n) Team Details Report   o) Unproductive Hour Details Report   p) Work Allotment Report   q) Work Effort Log Report   r) Employee wise Client Efforts Report   s) Employeewise Task Status Report   t) Leave Details Report   u) Login Details Report   v) Login Summary Report
1) Release Deatils page modified. (Now users will get all release details in Manage -> Release details page)
2) Filter(search) option added in Manage -> compliance.
3) While doing Bulk add compliance in Manage -> Compliance now users can search for clients.
4) Notes section modified in task.
5) Icons of Inward and Outward menus modified.
6) Date criteria added in Employee-wise client efforts report.
1) Now Org Admin can give access to specific roles to Approve / Reject task efforts from Master -> Role.
2) If task is closed then employees will not be able to add anything in task.
3) Now users can add reason for effort rejection.
4) "Total Amount" added in payment report.
5) New search criteria "Billable / Non-Billable" added in Non-Invoiced Task Details report.
6) While creating Bulk Add Compliance in Manage -> Compliance now users can filter clients on the basis of Company Type.
1) Task action sequence i.e. edit / Add effort.. etc. on task grid has been reshuffled.
2) Task menu logo changed.
3) Daily diary logo changed.
4) Branch, Dept., Share to client, Actual end date fields of "Add Task" added in other details section.
5) Pending invoice task details report name modified to Non invoiced task details.
6) All fields except compulsory fields in “Other Details” in Master- > Compliance.
7) Now you can select the invoice items with check box for which you want to create invoice.
8) Now users can approve / reject the actual efforts added by the employee working on specific task.
9) Delete all tasks functionality from Org Admin login only.
10) Delete all clients functionality from Org Admin login only.
11) In task, name of user added who have added attachment to task.
12) Now users will not be able to add efforts more than 24 hours for a specific day.
13) If client count is more than 2,000 then separate excel sheet will be downloaded for every 2,000 clients for bulk update clients functionality.
1) Actual Start Date and Actual End Date added in task Details report and Subtask Report.
2) Now users can filter clients on the basis of specific Group while sending reminders from Financial -> Invoice.
3) Now task owner will get a notification after status of task changed.
4) Department filter added in employee work effort report.
1) Actual start date in Task.
2) Quick Task Link added on Home page: "Insta Task".
3) New report "Sub-task" added in Report -> Task -> Sub Task for sub task details.
4) Branch Wise Invoice Number.
5) Now users will not able to see Report menu if subscription is over.
6) Now users can add same PAN Number for same group of clients.
1) Now users can add employee wise estimated efforts in Tasks.
2) FAQ Page added.
3) Web Push Notification for offline users for Chat.
Note: If the user remain ideal for more than 10 Minutes than will consider that user as offline and notification will go to that user.
4) Web Push Notification on task Update.
5) Conditional Reminder Email Send option in Compliance.
6) Compliance messages will include firm's name.
7) Now users can search on the basis of Group in Master -> Client for specific clients.
8) Now users can search on the basis of Group in Report -> Client -> Client List for specific clients.
9) Total cost (Efforts taken X Cost per Hour) column added in Task wise employee wise cost report.
10) Compliance Task Reminder email format modified.
1) Now user can add half day leave from Apply leave sub menu in Manage menu.
2) In "Client-wise Timesheet" report "Estimated effort (in days)" & "Actual effort (in days)" modified to "Estimated effort (in Hrs)" & "Actual effort (in Hrs)"
3) Whenever any free package expired then user will be redirected to Expiration page, where he can send email to support for Renewal.
4) In Dashboard menu (Graphs) -> Compliance sub menu, "All" option added in Master client dropdown.
5) Now users will get task notifications in Notification section.
6) Now users can add client group while doing Client Bulk Update and Bulk insert.
7) TDS option added in Invoice receipt.
8) "Clear All" Notifications option added in notifications.
9) "Total Amount" added in Invoice Report.
10) Now users can add branch wise attributes for their firm.
11) In invoice, On Change of Branch Service Tax No. and Pan No will be changed if Exist against that Branch, else Remain as it is.
12) Client Group filter added in reports. (Now users can search on the basis of client group as well in reports)
1) "Shop Act Expiry Date" and "With Effect From" fields added while client bulk Insert / update in Master -> Client.
2) Task Count added on Home Page.
3) Redirection to Task page from Home page on click on Task count.
4) Department field added while creating new invoice.
5) Email format of Outward Document modified.
6) Email format of Inward Document modified.
7) Email format of Task modified.
8) Branch Name and Department name added in Invoice PDF.
1) Sum of Actual hours and Over time in Overtime report.
2) Sum of Total Working Hours, Actual Hours and Unproductive Hours in Unproductive Hours report.
3) Sum of Billing Amount in Work Allotment report.
4) Sum of Actual Efforts in Employee-wise Client Efforts report.
5) Sum of Actual Efforts in Employee Work Efforts.
6) Sum of Actual Efforts Employee-wise Task Status report.
7) Sum of Actual Effort in Client-wise Task Status report.
8) Sum of Estimated Effort and Actual Effort in Client-wise Timesheet report.
9) Sum of Client wise Amount and Total Expense by Employee in Expense report.
10) Service wise and Client Wise Sum in Invoice report.
11) Org Wise Sum of Paid Amount and Payment Pending in Payment report.
12) Actual Effort Sum Employee wise and Task wise in Task Details report.
13) Client Mobile Number and email ID added in invoice.
14) In Expense department added.
1) Assigned by option added in Incomplete task assigned to me report.
2) Name of report "Employee wise cost" modified to "Task wise Employee wise cost".
3) Department column added in Employee Wise task report.
4) Push Notification is implemented at Task Creation And notification will go the all the employees to whom task is assigned.
5) Now while creating Invoices and expenses users can filter clients on the basis of client group.
6) New notifications will appear in red color.
1) While adding task notes textbox is added.
2) Actual end date added in task.
3) While sending Email or SMS from task to client, email id and Mobile no will appear automatically if added in Master -> client.
4) Daily diary for previous and next day.
5) Bulk insert functionality in Expense.
6) Financial Year added in Invoice PDF.
7) Role based access for Assignor Dropdown available while creating task.
1) Now Org Admin can give access to specific roles to close the tasks from Master -> Role.
2) Reminder functionality in invoice to send pending bill reminder to clients.
3) Assignor option added while creating Task.
4) Time along with date in daily diary.
1) Daily Diary added.
2) Now SMS will be sent along with Email to employee after Task is created.
3) Clients with same PAN no can be added only once.
4) SR No column added in reports.
1) In Broadcast Client Group wise and client wise filter added.
2) Now users can add branch wise expenses in Financial -> Expense.
3) Now users can search branch wise invoices in Financial -> Invoice.
4) Now Org Admin can Enable / Disable mails of tasks from Master -> Settings -> Alert.
5) Now user can directly add new client or service while creating new task if client or service is not available in the list.
1) Users will get notifications of Leave, Invoice , Receipt in notification section.
2) Two buttons "Save Actual Effort" & "Cancel" (presently at bottom) moved at beside of field " Add Effort" (At Top) to fill quick daily work.
3) Now Org Admin can send bank details to customer through "My Organisation" page.
4) “Shop Act Expiry Date” attribute added in Attribute list in Master -> Client.
1) Chat Notification in notification section.
2) On task page by default all tasks except "Complete" , "Close" , and "Future Task" visible.
3) Contact number of organisation added in the invoice.
1) The tax rates of service tax and SBC etc. will appear automatically while creating Invoice.
2) UI of Invoice PDF Modified.
3) Invoice page UI modified.
4) Service Tax No and PAN No added in Invoice PDF.
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